Beatitudes for an Engaged Cosmology
Blessed are the hopeful:
they hold a promise of tomorrow.
Blessed are the courageous:
they embrace the challenge of today.
Blessed are the forgiving:
they are free of the burden of the past.
Blessed are the people of prolonged engagement:
they will create a better world for the children.
Blessed are the disappointed:
they will rise and anticipate a better day.
Blessed are the self-forgetful:
they will engage in a compassionate embrace.
Blessed are the flowers bursting forth in the spring:
they bring beauty to the Earth.
Blessed are the children:
they celebrate spontaneity and new life.
Blessed are the contemplatives:
they embrace the universe as one.
Blessed are the liberators:
they will set all the captives free
Blessed are the creation-centered:
they will appreciate the awesomeness.
Blessed are the engaged mystics:
they will unite the stars with the street.